Your reading via email is fun and uplifting, offering clarity and guidance.
You'll provide a list of four questions that you would like to discuss.
"What, How or Why" questions work best. You can also describe a challenging issue to gain clarity. "When" and "yes or no" questions do not work as well.
Book now and include your questions, your full legal name and any other information you'd like me to know. I will reply with your reading within seven days.
All information received in a Reading is confidential.
About the Akashic Records
In ancient teachings, Akashic Records have been referred to as the Book of Life. Traditionally, they can be considered to be a library, where an individual’s records are a book within the library. Information retrieved and received from the individual’s book is considered to be the chapters of the book. In our current understanding, the Akashic Record is the oneness of everything where all is contained. The Akashic Record energy is an expanding, living, breathing field.
An Akashic Record reading opens up your soul's record and allows the information to come forward. This information will support you in your life right now. Guidance to work through patterns that are present in one's current life are generally valuable and provides opportunities for growth and direction.
Some suggestions or guidelines for your questions:
"What, How or Why" questions work best. You can also describe a challenging issue to gain clarity.
"When" and "yes or no" questions do not work as well.
What are my greatest gifts yet to be discovered? How can I move toward them?
What is my greatest block/challenge/fear at this time? What is the root of it? How can it be resolved? What lessons am I to learn from this?
What talents did I incarnate that I need to use to further my growth?
What messages do my spiritual guides want me to know at this time?
How can I take better care of myself?
Why am I so sensitive to others' emotions?
Please understand that no matter what I say or suggest you are responsible to determine what resonates with you and your life. I find readings to be inspiring, informative, and fun!

Laurie's calming and compassionate presence translates well through her work. She is a valuable guide in helping you gain insight and awareness of your life's purpose. I enjoyed this enlightening experience and look forward to many sessions again in the future!"